Lynn Mull Lynn Mull

Mid-Career Health & possibility

January is the time when your inbox fill up with ads and notes about physical health. What about your Career Health?

Perhaps you’ve made your 2023 personal resolution but what’s your aligned career vision for the next 6-12 months?

When’s the last time you asked what is possible?

What’s possible when you have been working for over 10 or 15 years?

What is possible when your resume could stretch to 5 pages?

Did you have jealous pangs when you saw your coworker take a new role?

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Lynn Mull Lynn Mull

Milestone Moments Explained

Are you in a huge life transition at work, life, side hustle, love, death, birth?

I call these Milestone Moments (MMs)— anytime you want to start a new goal at specific stage of your life. In the old days they were called mid-life or quarter-life crisis, but it's really about changing up your life when you hit massive transitions.

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