Milestone Moments Explained

Are you in a huge life transition at work, life, side hustle, love, death, birth?

I call these Milestone Moments (MMs)— anytime you want to start a new goal at specific stage of your life. In the old days they were called mid-life or quarter-life crisis, but it's really about changing up your life when you hit massive transitions.

When you are going through transitions that are triggered by a big birthday or the death of a loved one, it's is the PERFECT time to energetically clear out old stories and release the negative self talk we carry into new spaces. Out with the old, in with clean energy!

I also live my own MM transitions. Just to give you a clue of what my mid 30s looked like when a few MMs hit all at once: I had major loss at work, I was caregiving for my mom plus a move, new house, a wedding, the birth of a baby and new house all within 3 years. It was a LOT but my nerves were open and ready to change.

Navigating MMs take a lot of courage and willingness and a lot of energy to create and keep going.

Journal prompt for Milestone Moments:

  • what negative self talk is holding me back from embracing this change in my life?

  • where did I expect to be now vs where I am? is that a social media expectation of the milestone or something I truly want?

  • how can I use this change momentum for positivity each day for more action towards my goals?


Why Retreat for 24 Hours?


I quietly quit with a plan, before it had a name.