My Unusual Career Muse

The moon is my muse. Yes, you read that right. The moon. A symbol that is often hidden by clouds, moving from sliver to a reflective ball of light, is the innovative reset my inner critic needs to localte career clarity.

Lunar energy is something I’m drawn to, maybe because I have lived in the masculine energy of financial services for so long without a break. Go, Do, Move, Metrics, Yes, Do More, Get going. That only works for so long!

These days, we all seem to need a muse to inspire us to connect completely to our own mind, body, spirit to find joy in life and work.

Tactially, I love half moon pose for its balance, strength, flexibility and need for concentration. I adore the way the moon sits in the sky and makes me pause on clear nights.  I wear a moon phase necklace as a reminder I am at the phase I’m meant to be.

Do you have a career muse?

It could be a person, a movie character or you last boss. As young kids we have no problem wearing tee shirts with disney characters, have bedsheets with a favorite mbl player or posters of fancy cars on our wall. In adulthood we move out of this idea to have a inspiration.

Look around, kids love to find inspiriation in all sorts of ways. My Nephew’s current muse is the Incredible Hunk, my youngest loves TSwift and my oldest loves Harry Potter’s characters to lead her days. Do you have a muse, something as your true inspiration, just for fun?

The most important characteristic that ignited an understanding for me is that the moon is always moving through a cycle, it’s never stagnant or full.

Lunar energy takes breaks as it builds and changes the light it reflects as it harnesses  quiet in the gibbous cycle. I need to be reminded to pause and rest when I’m also ready to go, build and network.

For many years, I forgot to be inspired. I was only getting it done. Despite making more and my job titles changing, I was focused on the to do lists of others, not my own why. I was tired, mentally bloated, exhausted and often sick for weeks at a time.

Honestly, I was lured into bigger and bigger career roles by the promise that “I’d be happy when…”.  I often thought one boss would be better than the last, or the project I was on would grant me a fancy title, that in reality meant nothing except words in an email no one read anyway.

I loved work, I still do. I was anchorless because nothing felt fun or exciting anymore. Where was my inspiration?

Today, I go back to my muse when I set goals for myself on my birthday. Luckily, the one I chose, The Moon, shifts every minute, every day. There’s a lot less pressure to be one way when you are creatively inspired.

In moments of quiet, like a new moon or the crescent phases,  there is room to hear your intuition. There is a reason we come back with ten new ideas after a vacation; our minds are allowing new information to be truly seen.

How to Find Your Career Muse.

  1. Who inspired you in your youth? Does that still apply today? Who is that creative genius you wish you had a little bit of their DNA?

  2. Who would you want to have a coffee with tomorrow to chat about life, work, process, art, travel, family? Who is a well rounded muse?

  3. Who inspired you now in pop culture. what about that figure helps you mirror yourself?

  4. What is happening in your life that you need to feel anchored? Who or what can support that?

  5. Is your must fictional or a real person? Is it an icon, artwork or a city? Is this person in your life or someone you know of? The muses are endless?

  6. If you cannot chose one, make a list of no more than 5; write the list or detail out why you like them.

  7. make them a priority- add them to your camera role, print a photo like they are part of your family, magnetize them to your fridge. Looking at these images is a wake up call to keep going for what you need in your career.

Email me career muses and I’ll send you my #2 muse—a fictional character from a TV Series.


I can’t believe I’m typing this - golf is good


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