A year of Big transitions

I set Birthday mantras, not January Resolutions. When do you find a north star?

Although it's year end, a typical emails are about 12/31 and 1/1, I just love the idea of a birthday, personalized intentions. My birthday was on Thanksgiving day this year. I don’t love that insanity or the turkey meal, BUT I love a customized self-check-in. It took me a few weeks to find my word(s) for this lap around the earth. I came to these to help myself focus. Any mantra setting you do is always right on time- monthly, annually, January, June, Noon, Midnight. Just do the self check in.

I left Banking in April 2022, didn’t hire a full time nanny this year, became a room mom and took on way too much this summer and got sucked into helping too often at the girls’ school. I found distractions and also space to write, grieve the loss of my father in law and support more at home for my core 4.

Writing this helps me remember all of the transitions. PHEW!

My Birthday Mantras:

Why these 3:
I-SIMPLICITY - All of my 2023 offerings, feelings, collabs, writing will start with simple Energy balances. From 2-20 minutes, from 24 hours to 24 days, I'm keeping it simple to make room. Room for what--possibilities and creativity.

II—STRUCTURE - This is where values and mantras can and often overlap. Structure has been a core value of mine since day 1. It feels really good to have consistency. I got out of any structure because I had too much structure for 25 years. This year, I'm creating serious working hours, errand hours, working out time and volunteering allowances (reducing significantly). Business Boss Babe coming out-- as defined by me.

III- STAY THE COURSE - It's so hard to feel excited about work every hour of every day. Even when my imposter rages or I get declined from Oracle Deck potential retailers, I will persist. Eastern and Western thinking, big pharma and alternative medicines, Woo and Wall Street, are all merging. I’m staying in the & and integrating. This is where life’s joy is all possible.

I'm here to lead the way into Simplicity, Structure and a Compass towards my North Star to support my very own goals and energy. Who's with me?


Why is everyone so quiet? Quiet quitting and quiet firing are the latest post-covid workforce dynamic.


Self Centering Your Energy