About A Brighter Year and me.

a memorable first guest


a memorable first guest 〰️

We’d been prepping all day for MTHR Retreaters on a perfect July Summer day. I gathered my supplies for Reiki sessions and the wellness workshops I was leaded for the weekend, giving these working Moms a way to unwind, release and enjoy themselves.

Gathering on Cape Cod, the road zigs and zags towards the sea, the retreat center popping up where the marsh-meets-ocean. The Massachusetts coastline chops the waves in a timelapse like a black and white movie. Retro ungroomed beaches create waves that never had a chance to find low tide here.



A women’s retreat is like that murky July ocean. You aren’t sure who you will meet, why they are attending, why they need to be there or who they came with. Social awareness is at a tipping point, hoping you’ll find a new chosen family member. Is this true of work, a party or a school volunteer event, too?

As I helped prepare for the retreat weekend with the MTHR team, I felt like a hostess waiting for the first guest to ring the bell.


I knew we’d do something fun together, something ease. Following a more business like email about about a coloring book for adults who love a little woo, a little magic but might be working 20 hours at a desk. I asked, “Can we create a 7 chakra coloring book to help soothe the nervous systems of women who need a quick break?”

I have a deep knowing, as does Shanti, that coloring can reset your nervous system enough to find holes of clarity. Coloring with SIMPLE designs, not elaborate ones, can reduce stress, anxiety to open your brain to fluid stream of consciousness.

My beliefs are routed in calmly, quietly creating with space. Like my collab partner, Shanti believes that overcomplicated designs create stress while simple, easy coloring formats, on old school paper, allow for space to redefine a moment.

Now, get coloring.


Feel & Look like 24 Carat Gold


Do it scared- I don’t think so. Recognizing fear can help create YOUR plan.