Feel & Look like 24 Carat Gold

24 reasons to retreat in 2024

  1. Self-Reflection: understand yourself better with quiet, facilitated pausesMindfully disconnect: take a break for a little bit of your routine & live in the present moment.

  2. Stress Relief: what happened over the holidays needs to be left in December—come rejuvenate

  3. Clarity: Step back helps in gaining clarity about your goals, values, and life direction especially for your career.

  4. Inspiration: exposure to new people and ideas during can spark inspo.

  5. Health : learn something about your insides to help your outsides

  6. Renewed Energy: Einstein would want you to increase your energy levels thoughtfully. learn my tips—they are FUN.

  7. Self Love- for a full day!

  8. Fun: let loose with a gaggle of women who want to succeed, grow and learn and laugh.

  9. Do it for YOURSELF: no one is going to give you a break unless you do

  10. Mind-Body Balance: I’ll help you find harmony for all of you; quiet the over analysis.

  11. Digital Detox: I left IG on a whim for 2+ weeks and it was awesome to stop caring

  12. Camaraderie: You’ll make new friends here- FOR LIFE.

  13. Exploration: Broaden your perspectives in a new way you wouldn’t do watching netflix this weekend.

  14. Restoration of Focus: step away from distractions to focus.

  15. Unplug like a BEAR: Take a break from the demands and your phone to recharge your batteries. get some reiki too. Hibernation is real.

  16. Silence and Solitude: no one can call out for your when you are on a retreat!

  17. Clarity: Time away allows for strategic goal-setting and planning for the future.

  18. Increased Self-Awareness: heighten your awareness through human design and workshop to lift the veil

  19. Enhanced Creativity: Space away from routine encourages creative thinking and problem-solving.

  20. Quality Sleep: Breaks from daily grinding can result in improved zzzzzz. also I have swag to help with this:)

  21. Reconnection with Passion: Rediscover and reignite your joys. What do you LIKE?

  22. Heart forward momentum: Time away make the heart strings flutter for your family, partner, friends, even chores. I swear.

  23. Exhale: take the pause to sigh, fill your cup, get the blood flowing.

Embark on The 24 Hour Retreat to unlock these benefits & discover what you want for 2024


Your Career Fear Cycle Ends here


About A Brighter Year and me.