Do you want it badly enough?

Manifesting is old news.

Goals are my life blood. If we were living in neolithic times I'd want a cave with a view of the river, the garden beds with perfect daylight,  a dashing leather sarong and marry the man with the best hunting tools. I’ve wanted the job, the title, the new role, the baby, the house, the new coach. 


Photo by Benjamin on Unsplash


My blood flow is oxygenated by the movement towards rather than running from. Although, sprinting away from toxic asshole bosses has occurred. Sometimes survival means reinventing goals in the short term.

The modern buzzword for goals is manifesting. Like the 1980s calisthenics renamed for today’s cult crossfit workouts, goal hunting is the planning, wishing, praying, gritting to goals physically or mentally. Call it what you will, manifesting is created in the aspiration. 

The finish line, unlike the Olympic 400, is never taped off.   Wanting the next career takes us out of the present and driving over the speed limit on an highway towards the next desire, dodging others on a similar journey.

Social media quick dopamine hits haven’t pulled me in like the longevity of accomplishing the long term goal. Often, I have kept the massive goals to myself, a slice of buffet banana bread wrapped in a napkin, nibbling at it throughout the years. Move to California was under wraps for nine years.


I’ve gotten what I've wanted, the goals I’ve set for myself, rarely on my timelines and often wrapped in a different packaging than I had visualized originally.

Resumes expose how big my goals have been and how large my accomplishments ratchet up over the years. Goals slowing to a pace most cannot handle, slowly dripping towards what I crave for my own desires.

Linkedin looks like a choreographed career, minus the potholes I encountered, the sexual harassment, the verbal abuse, the late hours and traveling constantly. 

Internally I carry two large public facing goals in my body. I’ll reach them. You can count on it. I want them badly.

Do you want your goals badly enough?


Photo by Le Vu on Unsplash


More than a band: Earth, Wind and Fire


Formerly Strangers