My Purpose Driven Business: An Interview

ABOUT BUSINESS – My passion is helping women and men in their mid-career level up, retrace steps to recall their strengths and make the right decisions for them based on their power.

ABOUT PEOPLE – Networking gets a bad wrap but it’s ultimately connecting to people with common interests. Connecting has a continuity many people miss when they let conversations go cold. Reaching out continuously, yet imperfectly it’s the part I love.

hat’s better than getting an email/text/call from someone you haven’t talked to in months or years?  Authentic networking is critical for your mental health as well as your business’ health.

ABOUT WOMEN –  When you find female friends or colleagues whom you vibe with, keep them in your inner circle. Ultimately, I believe working together, for feminine empowerment is the key to our next generation’s ability to make massive change in the working world. With women inheriting 70% of the wealth in the next 30 years, we’ll see the shift occur. We have to support that effort.

ABOUT MYSELF – As a manifesting generator, I need change. I’m 100% self-motivated and lean into my intuition more every day. The downside of ManiGens DNA— I can get easily bored. I stay in a growth mindset/ learning mode to keep myself in flow. My pace is fast, which bothers some. I don’t look back

ABOUT SELF-CARE – I take care of myself with zero guilt. Whether it’s working with various specialists, working out, taking walks, going to dinner alone or just requesting 30 minutes of alone time, this is a must have for me. I have a team of eastern and western docs and spiritual experts to guide me when I get stuck. Prevention and awareness are the best forms of healthcare which I can only do when my cup is full.

ABOUT CONFIDENCE – I feel most confident when I know a subject deeply but it’s shifting as get older. I have lost my fear of being misunderstood or not liked. My confidence is based on experience, knowledge and constant studying.

ABOUT WELLNESS –I spent my 30s witnessing a lot of close friends and family suffer from disease and dis-ease. Wellness can look different at every stage but for me, in my 40s, it’s about doing what I need now to stay physically and mentally as if I live in a blue zone. Wellness & careers can coincide. My wish for the next generation is this is fluid in the workplace, not separate actions.


Unlocked Leadership Excellence: The Transformative Journey I had at Crotonville


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