Gifting Wellness

for yourself, work gifts & kids & family wellness ideas

I try a lot of things, read a lot of books listen to a few million words on Audible. Why not share what has gotten a gold star from me? Happy Holiday Wellness.


I try a lot of things, read a lot of books listen to a few million words on Audible. Why not share what has gotten a gold star from me? Happy Holiday Wellness.


Gifts from me to me - Wellness of the mind, body, spirit

  • The weighted vest IS the gift of 2024. I have 12 lbs.

  • Seems crazy to think clips are wellness but I use them for efficiency which is every Mom’s Wellness. Uses: chip clips obviously, paperwork clips, homework clips, art, work, these don't stop. I even pack a few on vacation and road trips for snacks, shampoo or my crazy packing.

  • I use a heavy eye pillow for meditation. If I’m working I throw it on my head (not kidding) to ground, or in my lap after 30 secs in the microwave.


What to gift your coworker

  • a Peleton or laptop table for a walking treadmill is a bit of a work/life anti-balance, but it is efficient

  • a stretching & yoga bolster, it’s amazing to lean on the floor or sit on it for a few moments between meetings

  • Any way to bring in a water based spritz or essential oil to waken exhausted brain might get you through the afternoon instead of coffee!


Keeping the family fit from the inside out and outside in


Self discovery books for anyone traveling this holiday

Thank you for reading!

in good energy, LYNN


The Career “&” Timeline: A Cinematic Journey


Practical Pause - October Lookback